DAZStudio - Tipps & Tricks

  1. 3DL-Render shows wrong colors and lights
  2. Lightgeometry is visible in the scene
  3. Using 3DL-Fire in iray


    You have a scene with various fire props or billboards, but the fire does not throw light and does not shine. It's dark itself, too.


    - Convert the fire with the emission shader to Iray / Light. Press the control key and select the option where the graphic is NOT replaced.
    - increase the luminance
    - change the Lumninaz-Units from cd/m^2 to kcd/m^2. That gives more light.

    - Change "Thin Walled" to "on"
    - Load the default iray shader onto the object, then add the color map into the 'Emissive' channel of the shader
    - change the color of the emissive-channel from black to a fire-color.


    David Anderson, Trevor Hancock und Chris Locke


    Facebook - DAZStudio Artists