DAZStudio - Tipps & Tricks

  1. Blue white tiger
  2. Disturbing colors in SY's waters
  3. Editorwindow has disappeared
  4. Move directories / files that cannot be moved after all
  5. The background is an HDRI or an image. How do I get the person in the water?
  6. Veins are not looking realistic


    The veins for G3 and G8 are only looking like blue 2d-paintings on the skin.
    On the promos they look very 3d as veins really look and i tried all settings and mats that are included but i can only get this result shown here.
    This is G3M. What must i do that it looks like in the promos?



    The figure has to be in mesh resolution level 3 in order for the veins to be seen. Either viewport or render or both.




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